Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hydrogen Hybrid Car Engine by Esteban Bauer provides clients with exceptionally SENSIBLE free-energy devices, characterized by fantastic user friendliness and efficiency. You won't be able to discover anything, anywhere near this good, for twice the price. gives an easy, inexpensive system that optimizes fuel economy typically 20% to 50%, and more in many carss, while cleaning the fuel injection system and it will reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Discover how simple this is! How2SaveFuel.Com gives clients instrruments that utilizes a small quanity of electrical impulse from your car engine's battery, to sever and reassemble water into a gas called HHO (2 atoms Hydrogen + 1 atom Oxygen). HHO, also called Hydroxy or Hydrogen*Oxygen or Brown's Gas which burns considerably more effectively and yields added energy in the form of improved torque and mpg. Mobile Magazine says "HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the chemical stability of water". Studies show that HHO is three times more powerful than gasoline!!! HHO is the quickly growing direction for improving power and MPG. Does The How2SaveFuel.Com Gasoline Saver Work?THE PROBLEMS: Highest ever gasoline prices, conflircts, national oil dependence, smog. I can go into great detail but that is what Fox News is for.THEREMEDY: Widespread development and experimentation by many mechanical engineers has has resulted in a very workable method. Using this technology anyone can run any vehicle partially on water (that's a "Water Hybrid"?) with slight modifications.Additional to the boost in fuel performance, you will substantially cut down Greenhouse Gases and aid in the lessening of pollution.You can efficiently burn all the fuel and consequently lessen wear and tear, engine clatter, high engine temperatures, carbon deposits, etc. GET ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS...:1. Does this really work? Why is it so simple? 2. Why doesn't everyone have one of these??3. What could water fuel technology do for me?Learn why this new technology has been hidden and buried for the better part of the last century.DO THE MATHLet's work out some numbers here. For the sake of example, let's say you drive 2000 miles per month in a vehicle that gets twenty miles per gallon, you are using up 100 gallons of gas monthly. You are putting $3600 of gas in your vehicle per year!If you are in some European countries you might be paying twice that.. Save 35% of your fuel and you will have saved $1,260 per year in gasoline.If you have more than one car in the family then these savings can multiply..Another way to look at it is if you were spending $4.00 a gallon at the pump and were only seeing a 25% improvement with your hydrogen on demand system, it would be like purchasing the fuel for $3.00 a gallon.The average car in America lasts a dozen years per govenment reports.. So you just might save $15,000 or so over that lifespan.And what if you have a fleet of 50 drivers in your company? Then your savings per vehicle will multiply to $753,600. What can you do with $753,600 additional in the company bottom line? If it so happens that you have a business with delivery trucks and such then you are looking at some huge savings.If you just want to help protect the environment and save substantial money and curtail some of the profits of Big Oil then check out what has to offer.

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