Monday, December 22, 2008

What is WellRun??

WellRun, save fuel and eco drive real time trainer system for driver.
save fuel and eco-driving real time trainer system by plug in play.
★ easy to install and use for eco-driving.
★ WellRun, a feature meant to encourage environmentally considerate driving.WellRun - aimed at reducing CO2 emissions through fuel efficiency- is partof KCM's efforts to combat global warming and high price fuel cost.
Based on a comprehensive determination that takes into consideration suchfactors as accelerator use, engine and transmission efficiency and speed andrate of acceleration, the Eco Drive system WellRun, located on the instrumentpanel. smile emoticon and high FE score when the vehicle is being operatedin a fuel-efficient and eco driving manner.
It's hoped will raise driver awareness toward environmentally considerate driving and contribute to fuel economy.
Although results may be - depending on the level of traffic and conditionssuch as the frequency of starts from stop and of acceleration, as well asdistance driven - the WellRun can improve fuel efficiency by approximatelyabove 23.5%(as measured by AMC)
WellRun, Eco drive system is being operated on the evaluation of the vehiclerpm and speed and power of acceleration. Fuel efficiency through monitor onthe instrument panel board to give driver an opportunity to half the smile emoticon and Digital data and voice inform to improve fuel efficiency. The WellRun, Environmentally friendly systems.

Monday, December 8, 2008


The Ultra Compact3-in-one Automotive Computer Trip Computer - Digital Gauges - Scan Tool The integrated Trip Computer provides realtime feedback while simultaneously tracking three sets of trip data. The Digital Gauges give you realtime data for your vehicle and the built-in Scan Tool allows you to read trouble codes and diagnose potentially expensive problems before they get out of hand.
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Sunday, December 7, 2008

How Efficient is Hydrogen Water Fuel?

Hydrogen Water Fuel refers to the combination of water and fuel to power your car. This is a relatively old technology and idea, but until recent years the average person couldn't use it. With the recent boon in technology and explosion of high gas prices, the average motorist can use hydrogen water fuel to enjoy great savings each time they fill up. But how much can you expect?
Hydrogen water fuel on average can at minimum reduce your gas consumption by roughly 50%. When you figure that the average commuter spends $50 to fill up their car each week at the pump, that's savings of $100 each month and over $1000 each year, hardly chump change. As I said, this is the minimum average, many cars respond to hydrogen water fuel even better so you could see even more savings. You can enjoy paying gas prices reminiscent of 10 or more years ago every time you fill up with this technology.
As I said, hydrogen water fuel technology is now available to the average consumer. It is available in the form of new do it yourself guides which easily and affordably detail every step of the process from the inexpensive everyday materials you can buy or find for free to the installation to how much water you should put in. The materials cost around $50, so the conversion pays for itself in just two short weeks of driving.
The process of hydrogen water fuel is simple. Electricity from your car's battery separates the added everyday tap water into hydrogen and oxygen gases which boost engine efficiency, thus saving fuel, cooling your engine overall, and drastically reducing emissions. The system is completely reversible as it simply acts as an add on, so there is no damage to your car's warranty and it's completely safe for your car, as well.
Stop paying outrageous gas prices, visit to start saving yourself thousands of dollars a year and chuckle to yourself at rising gas prices.
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How About It - Does Your Car Run on Water?

When we talk about gasoline to water conversion, your talking about a very simple conversion to an electrical source, this is the control and also the throttle circuit that is going to give you the energy to the reactor and therefore enables the water to be turned into hydrogen.
Thus as the water goes thru the process of becoming hydrogen, it then mixes with the oxygen in the cylinder and becomes HHO. This is a very good source of power and will be more than enough to power your auto or truck.
Once this is accomplished, the HHO is then funnelled into your engine by means of the injector pump or the carburetor. While many of the other products use your battery as the power source and allows the water to vaporize and thus become a powerful gas, this product allows the creation of your own unit that gives the power that you will be needing. Therefore you do not have to mess with your battery or other parts of your auto.
This is almost like a steam engine, however the reaction chamber is so small and contained. It avoids the amount of temperature or pressure that a steam engine has and is much different. Therefore it becomes just another source of fuel instead of gasoline.
The big problem with this product is the time that it takes to get heated up before it starts converting into a burnable fuel. Thus the main reason why the gasoline ignites and is more efficient, and therefore is preferred over the water. Now that gasoline is becoming so expensive, could it be that it is time to get away from the gasoline completely. The technology is available to do this now.
What this process does is gives you a way to change your car into one that runs on water and will take about ten minutes to heat up and start to run. If only the best minds in the country would get their heads together. We should be able to come up with a product that heats up instantly.
Most people do not realize that Honda will be marketing a completely powered hydrogen car in the near future maybe within the next year or so. If only enough people will decide to work together and make it happen, the technology is already available. So regardless, it will not be long until most of the gasoline is gone.
There is no mandate of any kind that you actually have to use gasoline in your car. Since the use of gasoline has become so very expensive and a lot of people just cannot afford it any longer. It also is a serious pollutant.
If you or I, are concerned about the air we breathe we must stop the pollution now, in whatever way we might be able to do so. With all the toxins and pollutants we already have in the air now, why add more?
The main reason this product works is because of purely basic technology. No other reason. But most people think it is to simple to do them any good, or for anyone to grasp it. While the auto manufacturers play around and mess around with the idea of making cars that run on something other than gasoline.
we already have many tried and true ways to do this. And yes the performance may not be the greatest at least not as great as a car that runs on gasoline, and might not run as fast, it will be able to run. Can you imagine the best scientific minds going over this theory and being able to create a much better way for all cars.
Then they toss that idea right out of the window, because they just do not think it is going to happen because the oil lobby is so strong in Washington. . If this strength remains we will be burning gasoline for years to come. This is something none of us need. We need less pollutions in the air now, not years from now.
Yes the oil lobby is so very powerful, and will prevent this from happening. Just as we have many times in the past had 100 mile per gallon plus carburetors introduced, and swish, they simply dis-appear. Until someone is able to break the oil lobby in Washington as the tobacco lobby was broken, we can expect the gasoline use to continue.
Visit the Jimmy Woodall website for more information on this particular water to gas conversion, is a good bit different than most on the market at this time. it is here: Also it is considerable cheaper to implement than most. If you are into affiliate marketing visit his site at: You can pick up 3 affiliate marketing eBooks, NO obligation
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The Hydrogen Fuel System

People are turning to a hydrogen fuel system due to the rising cost of fuel. Using this type of system has many benefits to your automobile and to the environment. Have you considered making this change?
A hydrogen fuel system or HHO gas is becoming quite popular these days. Do you know how this type of system works? People using this type of system report that they get better mileage and lower maintenance costs. Cars that are water-powered or powered by alternative fuels are becoming increasingly popular these days for the reasons we have already mentioned.
A hydrogen fuel system does not mean that your car is powered specifically by water. It means that a gas known as HHO powers it. This gas is derived from the electrolysis of water used in combination with regular gas. This reduces the overall consumption of gas.
A hydrogen fuel system is designed to improve the performance of your automobile. It also means that you will save on gas and it is better for the environment as the emissions are much better than a one hundred percent gasoline powered vehicle.
Electrolysis is a process where water is broken into oxygen and hydrogen molecules. A hydrogen generator consists of two electrodes and a coil, the coil is where the electrolysis takes place. The resulting molecules are used along with the regular gas to run your car.
We will delve into this process a little further. Water is made up of two positively charged atoms and one negatively charged oxygen atom. Water is added to the hydrogen generator and then electricity is passed through it. So, the positively charged hydrogen atoms are thus attracted to the negative electrode. The negatively charged oxygen atoms are attracted towards to the positive charged electron. During this process, the water molecules are converted into the HHO gas.
The HHO gas combines with the fuel in your vehicle to run the car with much better performance. These are the basics of a hydrogen fuel system.
Is Hydrogen fuel the wave of the future? We have done a lot of research on the hydrogen fuel system and hydrogen fuel itself. Visit our site today for more information! http://www.hydrogenfuelinfosite.comBy M. Applebaum
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Cat’s Eye

The mechanical, retrofit, tyre pressure monitoring system
Under inflation is the most costly element of tyre maintenance. Small pressure losses are not only costly they can prove to be dangerous; playing havoc with schedules, profits and safety.
Maple Cat’s Eye, offers a simple to use, cost effective, solution to the problem of increased fuel, poor tyre wear and health & safety concerns caused by under inflated tyres. Checking the air pressure of dual tyres has become a quick and very easy task. With just a simple glance you can identify any changes in tyre pressure, by the status of the Cat’s Eye visual indicator.
If the ‘eye’ is completely closed then the tyres are within 2% of the recommended pressure. If the ‘eye’ begins to open, the tyre pressure has dropped and some action would be required. If the ‘eye’ has completely opened, the pressure has dropped to a dangerous level and immediate action is required.
Cat’s Eye also saves you time by allowing both dual tyres to be inflated at once via a single airing point and ensuring that the pressures of dual tyres are fully equalised.
Key Features
On average 1 in 3 of all truck tyres are incorrectly inflated.
Typically 20% under inflation of a tyre results in a 32% reduction of tread life on a vehicle. Over a year this could cost you 4 months of potential tyre usage.
Up to 1/3 of the energy produced from a litre of fuel is consumed by over coming rolling resistance. Driving on under inflated tyres increase rolling resistance and hence the amount of fuel used.
A difference in tyre pressure of 5psi between two twin tyres on a vehicle, results in the lower pressurised tyre being dragged 13ft every mile travelled. A vehicle completing 69,000 miles per year would drag the lower pressurised tyre approximately 170miles increasing fuel cost and reducing tyre life.
15% tyre under inflation results in a 2.5% drop in the number of miles or kilometres per litre of fuel a vehicle can operate at. This equates on average to £1,584 per year of wasted fuel.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Hydrogen Hybrid Car Engine by Esteban Bauer provides clients with exceptionally SENSIBLE free-energy devices, characterized by fantastic user friendliness and efficiency. You won't be able to discover anything, anywhere near this good, for twice the price. gives an easy, inexpensive system that optimizes fuel economy typically 20% to 50%, and more in many carss, while cleaning the fuel injection system and it will reduces carbon dioxide emissions. Discover how simple this is! How2SaveFuel.Com gives clients instrruments that utilizes a small quanity of electrical impulse from your car engine's battery, to sever and reassemble water into a gas called HHO (2 atoms Hydrogen + 1 atom Oxygen). HHO, also called Hydroxy or Hydrogen*Oxygen or Brown's Gas which burns considerably more effectively and yields added energy in the form of improved torque and mpg. Mobile Magazine says "HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the chemical stability of water". Studies show that HHO is three times more powerful than gasoline!!! HHO is the quickly growing direction for improving power and MPG. Does The How2SaveFuel.Com Gasoline Saver Work?THE PROBLEMS: Highest ever gasoline prices, conflircts, national oil dependence, smog. I can go into great detail but that is what Fox News is for.THEREMEDY: Widespread development and experimentation by many mechanical engineers has has resulted in a very workable method. Using this technology anyone can run any vehicle partially on water (that's a "Water Hybrid"?) with slight modifications.Additional to the boost in fuel performance, you will substantially cut down Greenhouse Gases and aid in the lessening of pollution.You can efficiently burn all the fuel and consequently lessen wear and tear, engine clatter, high engine temperatures, carbon deposits, etc. GET ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS...:1. Does this really work? Why is it so simple? 2. Why doesn't everyone have one of these??3. What could water fuel technology do for me?Learn why this new technology has been hidden and buried for the better part of the last century.DO THE MATHLet's work out some numbers here. For the sake of example, let's say you drive 2000 miles per month in a vehicle that gets twenty miles per gallon, you are using up 100 gallons of gas monthly. You are putting $3600 of gas in your vehicle per year!If you are in some European countries you might be paying twice that.. Save 35% of your fuel and you will have saved $1,260 per year in gasoline.If you have more than one car in the family then these savings can multiply..Another way to look at it is if you were spending $4.00 a gallon at the pump and were only seeing a 25% improvement with your hydrogen on demand system, it would be like purchasing the fuel for $3.00 a gallon.The average car in America lasts a dozen years per govenment reports.. So you just might save $15,000 or so over that lifespan.And what if you have a fleet of 50 drivers in your company? Then your savings per vehicle will multiply to $753,600. What can you do with $753,600 additional in the company bottom line? If it so happens that you have a business with delivery trucks and such then you are looking at some huge savings.If you just want to help protect the environment and save substantial money and curtail some of the profits of Big Oil then check out what has to offer.

Water4Gas Full Service Alternative - Best Fuel Saver Product by Jacob Carpenter

If you want to attain maximum benefit and the awesome power of HHO, begin with your vehicle performing well. Have your car repaired if it needs it, inspected and tuned to good driving condition by a fair and well trained mechanic. It is suggested that you perform a qualified tune-up done on their vehicles minimumly on an annual basis.An even better routine would be to receive a tune-up (and also any work suggested by the mechanic) and then perform a basic SMOG inspection as a preliminary action toproceeding with the installation from This evidences a "before" picture, or in proper nomenclature a "baseline". If you then see a significant upgrade and you seek to determine what the numbers say, perform another smog inspection three weeks convert to hydrogen hybrid car engineprofessional hho conversion kitAFTER having the hydrogen hybrid system installed. Compare the totals and we presage you will have numbers to be proud about. More meaningfully you would then hold records when turning in your tax returns for the tax credits.Remember to question your mechanic concerning any potentially hidden elementswhich might be reducing your mpg.There could be other factors besides the optimum performance of your engine! For instance a incorrectly balanced braking system could result in a persistent drag on the engine impeding both your security and gas savings.NOW YOU ARE READY FOR gives a simple, low cost technique that improves gas performance typically twenty to fifty percent, and greater in many occassions, while declogging the gasoline system and it will even reduce pollution. Find out how easy this is! How2SaveFuel.Com gives customers devices that parlays a small bit of voltage out of your car's battery, to disengage and reassemble water into a gas called HHO (2 atoms Hydrogen + 1 atom Oxygen). HHO, also called Hydroxy or Hydrogen*Oxygen or Brown's Gas which is much more easily consumed and yields additional fuel in the form of bolstered torque and mpg. Mobile Magazine says "HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the chemical stability of water". Pound for pound HHO GAS IS 3 TIMES MORE POTENT THAN GASOLINE!!! HHO is the fast expanding technology for expanding horsepower and fuel economy. How Does A Hydrogen Hybrid Car Engine Work?THE PROBLEMS: Unacceptably High gasoline prices, wars over oil, national oil dependence, smog. I can go into great detail but that is what Fox News is for.THEHANDLING: A collaborative effort by a large number of technicians has proven one method FEASIBLE. With this method you can run your traditional automobiles PARTIALLY ON WATER (that's a "Water Hybrid"?) with slight modifications.Additional to the boost in fuel performance, you will drastically minimize Greenhouse Gases and help reduce environmental concerns.Since a much larger percentage of the fuel gets properly consumed you have many other benefits including less knock and ping, more horsepower, lower engine temperature, more horsepower, etcNow you have a chance to enjoy all of these benefits:Optimize horse power and torque range! As much as 1/3rd advancement in engine power.Common 20% to 50% upgrade in mpg! People are saving $1000/year on gas.Flush out engine-impeding carbon deposits! Remove excess carbon deposits from your engine by just driving your car.Pass previously failed SMOG checks! Help clean up the air and prevent global warming.We offer a thirty day cash back guarantee on all parts.IRS "renewable energy" rebates negate your cost of installation.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Fuel Saving Tips

Some handy tips to help you save your fuel:
1. Keep Tires Properly Checked and Inflated
The best way to measure your car’s tire pressure is when they are cold and keep tire air pressure at the level recommended by your vehicle’s owner’s manual. Remember also to check for cuts, cracks, wears on your tires and make sure you rotate your tires regularly to make sure they’re not out-of-round for optimum performance. Noting that a single tire that is under inflated by 2 PSI would increase your fuel consumption by 1%.
2. Keep Windows Closed Especially at High Speeds
Opened windows, especially at highway speeds would increase air drag and result in decreased fuel economy of up to 10%.
3. Do Not Warm Up your Engine
The engine warm up faster and lubricate better if drive off immediately at low speed after starting your car.
4. Do Not Start and Stop Engine Needlessly
Allowing car engine to idle for one minute would consume the same amount of fuel when the engine is started.
5. Give Up your Second Vehicle
One of the best ways to reduce vehicle costs and GHGs is to give up the second vehicle (the older one) you have at home.
6. Think Ahead when Approaching Hills
When approaching hills, accelerate before you reach the hill, not while you're on it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Is your Check Engine Light on? Is your car not running right? Are you wondering if you can fix it? Let the Tomco Fuel and Emission Specialists help you with our Tech Info section. You’ll find Tech Tips on Emission Sensors including Oxygen Sensors, MAP Sensors, & Throttle Position Sensors, plus EGR Valves, Fuel Injectors and Controls. Visit Tech Tips by clicking on this link /techinfo.aspx

info from:

Are You Looking For A Good Fuel Saver To Save Fuel?

Everyone has a desire to make use of vehicles like four wheelers and two wheelers as their means of transport. You cannot afford to hire a taxi or move to your office by bus or some means of transport which is not owned by you. This is because when all your friends have a car or bike of their own, you feel to put yourself in lower standard as compared to them who have their own vehicles. So more or less its compulsory for you to own a car or bike of your own.
But also its a fact that some people don't have budget to pay for the heavy fuel cost and maintainence charges for their car. So here comes the role of some sort of products like a fuel saver which can help to reduce the fuel cost. If you are unaware, you should now get yourself aware of the fact that some of the fuel savers, now available in the market, have great potential to save fuel and save your money at petrol pumps. However, the most difficult part is to make the judgement which fuel saver is the right one for you because the market is flooded with all sorts of fuel savers due to its great demand.
If you are not careful you can easily make a mistake to choose or buy a fuel saver which is more or less worthless. This is because many frauds are also going and one can also get into hand a duplicate fuel saver. And When that duplicate fuel saver will not help you to reduce fuel cost, this will tend you to loose faith in such fuel saver products. Certainly you will not want that. A good fuel saver is one which has all the qualities you can expect to increase the efficiency of your engine. Here you will find some tips to choose a good fuel saver for you.
There are certain fuel saver companies which have their own trade mark and they are government approved and certified. Such companies often have their authorized distributors. Products of such companies are never sold locally. They are only sold with retailers who have been into business for long long time and approved. So first thing you need to make sure while buying a fuel saver, do not buy from just anyone on road. Buy from some established store and look for company trade mark and seal.
But this is also true that there are many companies which are government approved and sell their fuel saver product legally. But yet the product sold by one company is not that effective as the same product sold by another company. So here you find yourself in another difficult situation to decide which fuel saver company is good for you. But it can be overcome. You might have noticed that almost all fuel saver companies provide with samples of their fuel saver for a very nominal charge. You can make use of these samples to first test out which fuel saver is helping to run your vehicle smoothly and also saving fuel for you.
Radha Kishan is currently advertising for Fuel saver for you which is a good fuel saver providing company.There is a company named Fuel saver for you which is now a days getting popular to deal with fuel savers to save fuel and protect the environment.
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